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"We would like to welcome our Foot Care Nurse, Mark Stoyanovich to the Foot Care Institute"
Now Available for Routine Foot Care

(519) 258-3668

283 St Rose Ave
Windsor, ON N8S 1X1

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A bunion is a bony, painful prominence at the base of the big toe. Bunions can be extremely painful due to the weight of all your body resting on it each time you take a step. Everyday activities, such as walking and wearing shoes, can cause extreme discomfort.

Some patients may form bunions due to genetic factors, complications with arthritis, or a weak foot structure.

To help alleviate the pain that often comes with having a bunion, wear wide-fitting shoes to minimize rubbing, and look into custom-made orthotics made by a doctor of podiatric medicine that can help position your foot correctly.

If the pain becomes worse and limits your activity, then surgery may be an option. We offer office-based surgery where bunionectomies are performed in a comfortable setting.

Meet with a podiatrist for a professional diagnosis and for information regarding all your treatment options. We provide both conservative and surgical treatment for bunions.

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